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La période géométrique / The geometric period
1970 - 1976

Kamill Major s’oriente très tôt vers l’abstraction géométrique.

Installé en France, il poursuit sa quête de simplification et de dépouillement pour arriver à son expression la plus essentielle, le trait et la trame. 

Kamill Major turned very early to geometric abstraction.

Based in France, he continues his quest for simplification and stripping down to achieve/reach its most essential expression, the line and the weft.

Untitled - 1973, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 40 cm
Untitled - 1973, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 40 cm
Untitled - 1974, acrylic on canvas, 160 x 160 cm
Untitled - 1973, acrylic on canvas, 160 x 160 cm
Untitled - 1975, acrylic on canvas, 160 x 160 cm
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